Looking for: Male 53 - 70 years old
for: Friendship, Marriage, Romance, Relationship
Weight: 80 kg - 100 kg
Height: 170 cm - 200 cm
Country: All
Languages: Russian
Nationality: All
Figure: Normal
Hair: Auburn, Bald, Black, Blond, Chestnut, Fair, Grey, Livery, Other, Red, Streaks of gray, White
Hair length: Cut
Eyes: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Other, Walnut
Ethnic origin: Africa, Arab, Asia, Europe, India, Other, Spanish
Academic degree: Other
Profession: Accountant, Actor, Advertiser, Aesthete, Agronome, Assistant, Attorney, Bookseller, Business man, Consultant, Cook, Dentist, Director, Doctor, Driver, Employee, Engineer, Fireman, Florist, Graphic artist, Hairdresser, Hospital attendant, Instructor, Journalist, Lawyer, Librarian, Military, Musician, Official, Other, Painter, Police, Retiree, Secretary, Sportsman, Student, Teacher, Technician, Unemployed, Waiter, Webmaster, Worker, Writer
Income: From 10,000 - 20,000 $/year, From 20,000 - 30,000 $/year, From 30,000 - 40,000 $/year, From 40,000 - 50,000 $/year, From 50,000 - 75,000 $/year, From 75,000 - 100,000 $/year, Less than 10,000 $/year, More than 100,000 $/year
Style: Free
Marital Status: Widowed
Children: 1-2 children, 3-4 children, Dislike children, Don't want children, More than 4 children, No children, They don't live with me, Want more children, Want to have some
Smoking Habits: I don't smoke
Drinking habits: Occasionally
Честный,порядочный,ответственный за слова и поступки. В меру образованный. Общительный.Не нужен сексуально озабоченный и тот,которому нужны мои деньги -у меня их нет.