Looking for: Female 18 - 46 years old
for: Friendship, Marriage, Romance, Relationship
Weight: 46 kg - 65 kg
Height: 155 cm - 182 cm
Figure: Athletic, Normal, Slender, Thin
Hair: Auburn, Black, Blond, Chestnut, Fair, Red, Streaks of gray
Hair length: Average, Cut, Long, Short, Very long, Very short
Eyes: Black, Blue, Brown, Green, Grey, Other, Walnut
Ethnic origin: Arab, Asia, Europe, India, Spanish
Religion: Agnostic, Atheist, Buddhist, Catholic, Christian, Hinduism, Judaism, Muslim, Orthodox, Protestant, Shenism, Shinto
Academic degree: Bachelor Degree, College student, High school student, Master Degree, Other, PhD/Doctorate, Pupil, Self-taught, University student
Profession: Accountant, Actor, Advertiser, Aesthete, Agronome, Assistant, Attorney, Bookseller, Business man, Consultant, Cook, Dentist, Director, Doctor, Driver, Employee, Engineer, Fireman, Florist, Graphic artist, Hairdresser, Hospital attendant, Instructor, Journalist, Lawyer, Librarian, Military, Musician, Official, Other, Painter, Police, Retiree, Secretary, Sportsman, Student, Teacher, Technician, Unemployed, Waiter, Webmaster, Worker, Writer
Income: From 10,000 - 20,000 $/year, From 20,000 - 30,000 $/year, From 30,000 - 40,000 $/year, From 40,000 - 50,000 $/year, From 50,000 - 75,000 $/year, From 75,000 - 100,000 $/year, Less than 10,000 $/year, More than 100,000 $/year
Style: Business, Classic, Fashion, Free, Grunge, Other, Provincial, Punk, Sport
Marital Status: Divorced, Separated, Single, Widowed
Children: 1-2 children, 3-4 children, Dislike children, Don't want children, More than 4 children, No children, They don't live with me, Want more children, Want to have some
Smoking Habits: I don't smoke
Drinking habits: No, thank you
I'm looking for an ambitious, hardworking individual with an entrepreneurial spirit who loves thinking outside the box. Her honesty, loving nature, and romantic soul guide me through life's adventures. She is passionate about traveling, reading, trying new foods, and meeting diverse people. Ultimately, We are both seeking a kindred spirit—a person whose reflection of life mirrors our own mutual zest and enthusiasm