Ищу: Женщину 18 - 34 лет
для: Дружба, Брак, Романтика, Серьезные отношения
Вес: 40 кг - 55 кг
Рост: 140 см - 173 см
Семейное положение: В разводе, Овдовевший, Одинокий
Отношение к курению: Я не курю
loyal, sweet, loving. Most of all real person who want to create family.
btw: pls, check online chat messages here too, not just mailbox. :-)
It is really hard to find someone serious here. If you are not serious, pls, don´t message me. Don´t answer my messages etc.
This website is like social experiment, shouwing real colours of girls.
60% of girls here are scammers (no, I will not send you 200 dollars to escape warzone in ukraine when ticket from city you said you are cost 70 dollars and your IP adress sais you are actually in germany.......and no, I´m not interested in cryptocurency)..,20% is rude.